Various help functions for processing results.
import cv2
import numpy
import operator
__authors__ = {"Martino Bruni": "bruni.martino92@gmail.com"}
[docs]def draw_graph(image, graph):
Draw the graph on the image by traversing the graph structure.
| *image* : the image where the graph needs to be drawn
| *graph* : the *.txt file containing the graph information
tmp = draw_edges(image, graph)
node_size = int(numpy.ceil((max(image.shape) / float(NODESIZESCALING))))
return draw_nodes(tmp, graph, max(node_size, 1))
[docs]def draw_nodes(img, graph, radius=1):
Draw all nodes on the input image.
| *img* : Input image where nodes are drawn
| *graph* : Input graph containing the nodes
| *radius* : Radius of drawn nodes
Input image img with nodes drawn into it
for x, y in graph.nodes_iter():
cv2.rectangle(img, (y - radius, x - radius), (y + radius, x + radius),
(255, 0, 0), -1)
return img
[docs]def draw_edges(img, graph, col=(0, 0, 255)):
Draw network edges on the input image.
| *img* : Input image where edges are drawn
| *graph* : Input graph containing the edges
| *col* : colour for drawing
Input image img with nodes drawn into it
edg_img = numpy.copy(img)
for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in graph.edges_iter():
start = (y1, x1)
end = (y2, x2)
diam = 3 # thickness of red edges, graph[(x1, y1)][(x2, y2)]['width']
if diam == -1:
diam = 3 # thickness of red edges
diam = int(round(diam))
if diam > 255:
print('Warning: edge diameter too large for display.')
print('Diameter has been reset.')
# diam = 255
diam = 3 # thickness of red edges
cv2.line(edg_img, start, end, col, diam)
edg_img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 0.5, edg_img, 0.5, 0)
return edg_img
[docs]def check_operator(dropdown):
Converts the string value of the DropDown element in operator object
| *dropdown* : DropDown object from the algorithm class
| *op_object*: operator object converted
op_object = None
if dropdown.value == "strictly smaller":
op_object = operator.lt
if dropdown.value == "smaller or equal":
op_object = operator.le
if dropdown.value == "equal":
op_object = operator.eq
if dropdown.value == "greater or equal":
op_object = operator.ge
if dropdown.value == "strictly greater":
op_object = operator.gt
return op_object
if __name__ == '__main__':